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With Respect is not a crisis response service. For crisis responses phone:
  • 000 Victoria Police for immediate safety
  • 1800 RESPECT family violence and sexual assault 24-hour telephone support
  • 1800 015 188 Safe Steps Victoria available 24 hours for crisis support for women
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As we prepare ourselves for physical distancing and self-isolation, we need to remember home is not always the safest place.

For some in our community – job losses and insecure housing can mean that we are forced back to other homes with family or friends which can be highly conflictual and for others unsafe.

Research shows the rates and severity of Family Violence increase significantly following natural disasters and periods of isolation. This is not because all people suddenly become violent, but because people who have used violence previously are in circumstances which enable greater access to their partners and family and can have more opportunities to use violence. There are also often reduced resources, community support services and police availability during times of crisis.

What this means is we need to prepare and do what we can to support ourselves, our families and our communities. The most important thing is to be aware of what resources and supports are available to those experiencing family violence and how to access them.

1800 LGBTIQ | 1800 542 847